Permitted development rights

The concept of 'permitted development' is a complex and potentially confusing area of the planning system. However, it is central to the system, and clarifies what forms of development are permitted without the need to apply to the local planning authority (LPA).

The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 consolidated and revoked, in relation to England, the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 and amending legislation.

This resulted in a regrouping of a number of categories, as well as changes to permitted development, including some new rights. Schedule 2 lists the permitted developments in detail. Certain areas are excluded from such permitted development, such as conservation areas, etc. These are listed in Schedule 1. Some permitted development rights require prior approval from the local planning authority.

The 2015 Order remains the substantive legislation, although there have been a number of subsequent amendments.

This section is maintained by Alan Gunne-Jones of Planning & Development Associates Ltd.

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