Surveyors advising in respect of compulsory purchase and statutory compensation, UK, 2nd edition, professional standard (September 2024)
Published September 2024
Effective from 23 December 2024
The second edition of this professional standard applies:
• when you provide advice regarding property interests and rights in the UK that relates to the seeking or use of compulsory purchase for the acquisition or use of land or rights by or against your client, or where the seeking or use of such powers is contemplated
• when you are advising a body that is relying on or seeking to rely on another body to seek or use compulsory purchase powers to acquire or use land or rights to assist with a project and
• where compensation for injurious affection arises where no land is taken.
While the geographic scope of this standard is the UK, many of the principles are globally applicable and may support RICS members outside these jurisdictions.
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