Document downloads - Environmental management and policy

Available downloads

  • Risk assessment methodology

    Assessing the risk of a process or project on the environment is a prerequisite to managing those risks. There are a great number of risk assessment models of varying complexity.

    This is a sample risk assessment methodology.

  • Green roofs and walls

    Published April 2016

    There are many green roofs and walls guides; however this guidance note has been prepared to assist building owners, tenants and their advisers in the processes involved in understanding the various steps that will need
    to be considered if a green roof or wall is to be installed on a new building, or retrofitted onto an existing building. This guidance note looks at green walls and roofs from the property and surveyor’s point of view, encompassing the technical, value and community impacts that green walls and roofs can bring. This guide is aimed primarily at commercial and medium to high-density residential buildings.

    This guide aims to provide information on green roofs and walls to:
    - surveyors
    - owners
    - tenants
    - property managers
    - builders and developers
    - project managers
    - facility managers
    - services consultants and
    - local and national government.

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