Cases - Navarro v Moregrand Ltd

Record details

Navarro v Moregrand Ltd
2 TLR 674

Landlord and Tenant (Rent Control) Act 1949

Estate agency - Landlord and Tenant (Rent Control) Act 1949

The second defendant was an agent with ostensible authority to conduct the business of letting a flat for the first defendant landlord. The plaintiff, who was seeking a tenancy of the flat, was told by the agent that he would have to pay £225 in £1 notes. Payment of a premium for the flat was illegal under the Landlord and Tenant (Rent Control) Act 1949. The plaintiff paid the money and sought to recover it from the defendants. The landlord denied liability, claiming that the agent was not acting within the scope of his authority when he demanded and accepted the payment.

Lord Justice Somervell stated that as the landlord had held out the agent as 'having authority to conduct the full business of letting', the tenant was entitled to proceed on that basis.