Cases - Ramsey v Secretary of State for the Environment

Record details

Ramsey v Secretary of State for the Environment
[1991]; [1991]
2 PLR 112; JPL 1148
Planning control

R owned a farm of 112 hectares. Within the farm was a site, Suffolk Motopark, operated by RS Ltd, a company owned by R. The planning authority served an enforcement notice in respect of Suffolk Motopark requiring vehicular activity to cease. The authority also served an enforcement notice in respect of the whole farm, for they feared that if they did not, the vehicular activity would simply be moved from one part of the farm to another. It was claimed that the notice in respect of the whole farm was void as it was not lawful to issue 2 notices in relation to 2 sites, one of which overlaps or includes the other. The judge held that the notice was valid. However he observed that it would be unjustified to prosecute under both notices for the same breach.