Cases - London, Gloucestershire and North Hants Dairy Co v Morley & Lanceley

Record details

London, Gloucestershire and North Hants Dairy Co v Morley & Lanceley
2 K. B. 257

London Building Acts 1894

Party walls - London Building Act 1894

This case also dealt with the London Building Acts 1894 Act. The wall in question separated the parties' premises up to a certain height. Above that height, the Dairy had raised the height of the wall. Morley & Lanceley (M & L) wanted to raise the wall further. They served notice and obtained an award from surveyors entitling them to do the works, on the basis that the whole of the wall was a party wall. The court decided that the wall was a party wall so far as it separated buildings. The upper part of the wall was therefore not a party wall and M & L were not entitled to raise it higher.