Cases - Ultraworth Ltd v General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corp plc

Record details

Ultraworth Ltd v General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corp plc
[2000]; [2000]
EWHC 172 (TCC); 2 EGLR 115, TCC
Commercial property - property management - dilapidations

It is sometimes contended that, because a certain period of time has passed or is soon to pass, the services require replacement or renewal. While one might do that by choice, in dilapidations claims such an approach would be incorrect. What matters is whether the services concerned are functioning and that the covenants that affect them have been satisfied. For example, as in this case, one might want to install modern, more efficient, air-conditioning equipment, but if the equipment in place is in repair and functioning properly, there is unlikely to be any breach of the lease.