Cases - Canary Wharf (Three) v Telegraph Group Ltd

Record details

Canary Wharf (Three) v Telegraph Group Ltd
EWHC 1575, ChD
Commercial property – landlord and tenant – rent review – presumption of reality – where a review clause in a 25 year lease required the rent to be that expected at the review date 'for the grant thereof, for a term of years', whether the relevant period was 25 years from the review date

The review clause under a 25 year lease required the rent to be that at which the premises would be expected to be let at the review date 'for the grant thereof, for a term of 25 years'. The natural meaning was a term of 25 years from the review date, and the 'presumption of reality' was not to be invoked to make it reflect just the unexpired residue of the actual term.