Building defects database - Condensation: windows

Record details

The amount of condensation on this window indicates a high degree of internal humidity. Is this unusual at this property or does the occupation pattern mean it is a regular occurrence? Without adequate ventilation, persistent humidity at these levels is likely to cause internal condensation on poorly insulated surfaces and lead to mould growth and could even cause rot in the adjacent window and sill timbers.

© Copyright Philip Santo

Windows affected by severe condensation caused by failure of the seals. The internal glazing bars are only decorative so each full-sized pane will need to be replaced. Replacement of an individual pane is not difficult or especially costly but if more than one or two have failed it suggests that all units of the same age in the property may be at risk. Making large scale replacements becomes costly and may need to be reflected in the value of the property.

© Copyright Philip Santo

Heavy net curtains such as these may obscure the condition of the windows, and hide any condensation in defective units, so they should be carefully moved to allow the windows to be properly inspected.

© Copyright Philip Santo

Condensation within defective sealed double glazed window units may be less obvious from the outside than when viewed from the interior but can still be seen.